We are grateful to those who have already returned their commitment cards. Thank you for your participation in this important initiative.
While we may not know for certain what our future holds, we know that by working together, we have weathered a mighty storm the past few months. We also know that together, we can place our faith with our Lord and take a courageous, hopeful step forward in planning the future of our parish.
Last weekend our pastor, Father Anastasia, shared information about our Faith, Hope & Courage initiative and a special parish update was made available at Masses and online. This weekend Marissa Miranda will share with us how our parish keeps faith and hope alive in our Children’s Faith Formation program.
After hearing the testimonial this weekend, Father Anastasia and our parish leadership are asking all parishioners to make their commitment to
Faith, Hope & Courage. Please consider prayer, a one-time gift, and a commitment or recommitment to offertory giving. They are also asking parishioners to let their parish family know how we can be of service. Once a decision is made, please complete a commitment card and return it in one of the following ways:
Bring the card to Mass next weekend
Mail it to the church using the pre-addressed envelope provided
Or visit our parish website at www.StMat.org and complete an electronic commitment card.
“While everyone’s circumstances are different right now, I know that every member of our parish can participate,” said Father Anastasia. “Every parishioner can offer time in prayer, and every member can let us know how we can be of service.”