Centering Prayer is a method of prayer to open one to the gift of Contemplation. Centering Prayer is not meant to replace other kinds of prayer, rather it casts a new light and depth of meaning on your usual methods of connecting with God. It is at the same time a relationship with God and a discipline to foster that relationship, moving one beyond conversation with Christ to communion with Him. Centering Prayer teaches one to let go of distractions and just "be" in God's presence, beyond words and thoughts. The method of Centering Prayer is based on Matthew 6:6, "When you pray, go to your inner room and pray to your Father in secret. And, your Father who sees in secret, will repay you."
For more information on Centering Prayer, visit the international website of Contemplative Outreach (, an organization formed to support those in this ancient prayer method at Contemplative Outreach of Tampa Bay (
St. Matthew parish is blessed to have had a Centering Prayer support group for many years.
St. Matthew's Centering Prayer Group meets at 6:30pm in the Sanctuary on Tuesday evenings. For questions, please contact Judi Valori through the parish office at (727) 393-1288.