All men of St. Matthew and their families are invited to enjoy a free BBQ lunch with the Knights of Columbus and learn about the organization's benefits for men and their families. Come on out to the Holy Family Center on Sunday, February 23rd at 12:15pm.
GriefShare at St. Matthew Catholic Church will begin a new cycle on Wednesday, February 12. Meetings are held in the Holy Family Center, 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM. GriefShare is a 13 session program, and you may join at any time. There is no fee, although a free will donation would be gratefully accepted to help offset the cost of the workbooks. All are welcome! Please register with Dr. Lori Puterbaugh at [email protected] or sign up online at Just enter our zip code, 33777, to find our group
Children's Faith Formation is available for ages PreK through 5th grade. PreK is Montessori-style and meets on Sundays from 9:30-10:45am. Grades K-5th grade meet from 9:30-10:45am on Sundays in Trinity Hall. Register online at
The Knights of Columbus Pancake breakfast is the 2nd Sunday of the month, the next breakfast is February 13th. Come on back to Bethany Hall after any Sunday Mass and enjoy pancakes, eggs, and sausage. There are a variety of pancake flavors to enjoy! Choose from blueberry, chocolate chip, banana, and plain. Just $5 for adults and $3 for children.
St. Matthew Catholic Church hosts monthly Caregiver Support Meetings on the second Wednesday of the month, from noon to 2 PM. Our next meeting will be October 13, 2021. We meet in Trinity Hall. Please let us know you’re planning on attending so we may have sufficient materials. Light snacks provided; feel free to bring your lunch. Register by email at: [email protected].
GriefShare at St. Matthew Catholic Church begins a new cycle on Wednesday, October 6. Meetings are held in Trinity Hall, 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM. GriefShare is a 13 week program, and you may join at any time. There is no fee, although a free will donation would be gratefully accepted to help offset the cost of materials. All are welcome! Please register with Dr. Lori Puterbaugh at [email protected].
Starting October 2nd, the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be offered on Saturday mornings from 9-10am. Every Saturday we will also have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 9am until 10:30am. We will no longer offer the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Saturdays at 3pm, effective October 2nd. As always, confession is available by appointment by contacting the parish office at 727-393-1288.
Pain and grief touch everyone. Death, divorce, caregiving, illness and other major events are often sources of profound grief, isolation and suffering. St. Matthew Catholic Church is offering a free program: Resting with God: An Evening of Reflection will be offered on Thursday, July 15, 2021 from 5:30 PM to 8 PM in Trinity Hall, and the same program will be offered as a Morning of Reflection on Wednesday, August 18, 2021 from 9:30 AM to noon in Trinity Hall. Please join us for a mini-retreat of prayer, learning, reflection and encouragement. Topics include: the four tasks of mourning, factors that impact our journey through challenging times, and ways to draw closer to God during times of struggle. All are welcome; please email registration to [email protected].
Come out for “Annamarie’s Cast Of Characters” on Saturday evening, June 19, 2021 at 6:30pm in our worship space. Enjoy an evening of entertainment and support this fundraiser to benefit the beautification of our new Parish Hall. Annamarie Smith-Butz will introduce you to some of her favorite roles from a variety of Broadway musicals such as The Sound Of Music, Little Shop Of Horrors, The King & I, My Fair Lady, and more. Tickets will be sold in advance after all Masses beginning June 5. Tickets can be purchased in advance for a donation of $10 or at the door that evening for $15. Our goal is to raise at LEAST $1000!
The formal Farewell Mass for Fr. Tom Anastasia as pastor of St. Matthew will be on Pentecost Sunday 5/23/2021 with a reception to follow the 11am Mass. The reception will be held at our new Parish Hall Building (the former Vietnamese Martyrs Church) with indoor and outdoor gathering. Join us for refreshments and memories as we say our goodbyes to Fr. Tom.
Join us as we celebrate Fr. Tom's 30th Anniversary of Priestly Ordination with Pizza & Penance! Come enjoy a slice or two with us in Bethany Hall or the Youth Ministry POD and then have the opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation inside or outside (weather permitting). Wednesday, May 19th from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm.
Please join us as we learn and share camaraderie together. Our May session focuses on "Finding Joy in the Messiness of Life" and will be held Wednesday, May 12th from noon to 2pm in Trinity Hall. Light snacks and beverages provided; feel free to bring your lunch. There is no cost. If you have questions or wish to sign up, please contact Dr. Lori Puterbaugh at [email protected] or call 727-559-0863.
St. Matthew’s Blood Donor Ministry invites you to celebrate your good health by sharing it on Sunday, March 21, 2021 between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. on The Big Red Bus. Pledge to donate a pint of the very best that’s in you. No appointment, no problem! Just stop by the Big Red Bus and ask if the have any open time slots. All donors will receive a wellness check-up of blood pressure, pulse, temperature, iron count and a cholesterol screening, as well as free Covid-19 antibody testing, plus a $10 eGift card and a “Do Good-Feel Good-Donate” T-shirt!
We are beginning an Adopt-A-Board Program to help us continue to grow! $20.00 will adopt one board and the hardware needed to tie it into our existing deck frame work. One board may not seem like much, especially considering we need about 200 boards all together, but that one board brings us one step closer to a fully repaired and SAFE deck for picnics, study groups, pageants, and other programs to use for many years to come.
At the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle, Saturday, December 5th. Witness Speaker: Nicole Abisinio. Join us for words of wisdom from Fr. Cadrecha, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Rosary, & Praise and Worship. Then hear Nicole’s spiritual journey as she realized her worldly dreams to be an actress and producer were missing something; and finally how God, through her, could use the media for His glory. She runs Gabriel’s Messenger Ministry and is author of the book, “Pure Power”.
Jesse Tree ornaments will be available for adoption outside the main door as of Nov. 14th. Please choose your ornaments early and return wrapped gifts as soon as possible. With current attendance cut in half, we need your help more than ever. Your help will ensure that our St. Vincent de Paul Society's needy clients have a blessed Christmas. Thank you for your support.
Join us for a concert on Sunday, November 22nd from 3pm -4pm featuring Fr. Victor and his brother Steve Bartolotta, a talented rhythm and bass guitarist and an impressive vocalist. This Lynn Bartolotta Memorial Benefit Concert will accept free-will offerings to benefit a scholarship fund at the University of South Florida.
As a chaplain for the Tampa Bay Rays, our pastor Fr. Tom Anastasia has been interviewed for 2 articles recently. These are must-reads for our Tampa Bay Rays fans!
Children's Faith Formation and Youth Ministry are hosting a Halloween Party on Saturday, October 31st. The fun starts at 5pm. Everyone is welcome for trunk or treating, pumpkin carving, hot dog and s'more roasting, and a family-friendly Halloween movie under the stars.